Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor that supports HTML syntax highlighting, IntelliSense, Emmet, debugging, extensions, and more.
Sublime Text is a proprietary, cross-platform code editor that features a minimalist interface, multiple selections, command palette, distraction-free mode, split editing, and a powerful plugin system.
Atom is a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor that is based on web technologies and has a built-in package manager, file system browser, smart autocompletion, multiple panes, and a customizable interface.
Brackets is a free, open-source, cross-platform code editor that is focused on web development and has a live preview feature, inline editing, quick edit, preprocessor support, and extension manager.
Dreamweaver is a proprietary, cross-platform web development tool that offers a visual design mode, code editor, live view, code hinting, site management, and FTP support.