1. History of Facebook - Wikipedia


    In August 2009, Facebook acquired social media real-time news aggregator FriendFeed, a startup created by Gmail's first engineer Paul Buchheit. In February 2010, Facebook acquired Malaysian contact-importing startup Octazen Solutions.

  2. História do Facebook – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    em setembro de 2009, o Facebook adquiriu o agregador de mídias sociais FriendFeed, [61] uma startup criada pelo primeiro engenheiro do Gmail, Paul Buchheit. [62] [63] [64] Em fevereiro de 2010, Facebook adquiriu uma startup da Malásia de importação de contatos, Octazen Solutions. [65]

  3. 不作恶 - zh.wikipedia.org


    不作恶( 英语: Don't be evil )为Google正式的企业座右铭及口号 ,有时会错误地写成“Do no evil” 。 Google员工保罗·布克海特在2000年年初的有关企业价值观会议上第一个建议采用此口号 ,或是2001年提出 ,也可能是由另一Google工程师阿米特帕特尔于1999年提出 。 布赫海特,Gmail的创造者,曾说过:

  4. The Science of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT ...


    ↑ 1.0 1.1 Martin Buchheit, Paul B. Laursen, High-Intensity Interval Training, Solutions to the Programming Puzzle, Sports Medicine, volume 43, issue 5, 2013, pages 313–338, ISSN 0112-1642, doi 10.1007/s40279-013-0029-x ↑ LV. Billat, Interval training for performance: a scientific and empirical practice.

  5. www.what-is-new.info


    In emergency situations, minutes can mean the difference between life and death. Paladin Drones, a company launching out of Y Combinator, wants to use technology to minimize the a

  6. 今さら聞けない、「ビットコイン」について知っておきたいことTradeBitLab(トレードビットラボ ...



  7. Don't Be Evil - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전


    이에 관련하여 폴 부체트 (Paul Buchheit) - Gmail의 창시자는 "일단 그 기업 모토를 제정하면, 그 모토는 다시 변경하기 어려울 것"이라고 말하였다. "다른 많은 회사에서 구글의 이러한 기업 모토에 대해서 비판하는 말(Jab) 이 있었다"고 언급했다.

  8. Paul Butcher – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


    Paul Butcher Jr. (Los Angeles, 14 de fevereiro de 1994) é um ator e cantor americano. Butcher ficou conhecido em 2002, após atuar em Six Feet Under como um garotinho de 5 anos, depois disso Paul desenvolveu papéis como o de Dustin Brooks irmão mais novo de Jamie Lynn Spears na série Zoey 101 e de Jeffrey Barton na série Criminal Minds.Em julho de 2010, Butcher iniciou sua carreira de ...

  9. About Heritage | The Heritage Foundation


    Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense—promoting these principles is the mission of The Heritage Foundation, which we ...

  10. Materials Science and Engineering


    Passionate professor shares love of science with kids Vicky Doan-Nguyen taps into kids’ innate curiosity to get them excited about science. An assistant professor of materials science and engineering, Doan-Nguyen spends a lot of time thinking about how to spark kids’ interest in science and maintain it. | LEARN MORE