1. AOL at 30: The History of America Online, Founded in 1985 ...


    I t was May 24, 1985 — 30 years ago this weekend — that the company now called AOL first came into existence. In honor of that anniversary, which comes just after the oft-derided company returned...

  2. AOL | American company | Britannica


    AOL’s roots start in 1982 when Control Video Corporation of Dulles, Virginia, initially offered online services to users of Apple II and Commodore 64 computers. In 1985 the company became Quantum Computer Services Inc. (QCS). America Online began as a special QCS service dedicated…

  3. A Brief History Of AOL - Fast Company


    1983: AOL begins life as Control Video Corporation, which was founded by Bill von Meister and had one product: GameLine, a service that hooked your Atari 2600 to your phone line to rent games for...

  4. AOL Profile, History, Founder, Founded, Ceo | Media ...


    AOL has a long, troubled history with of three decades of success and failures to its name. Based in New York City, United States and with Tim Armstrong as the current CEO, AOL is much different now than what it was when it was first launched.The company began its journey as Control Video Corporation in 1983 and was founded by Bill von Meister.

  5. This Day In Market History, May 24: AOL Is Founded | Benzinga


    Of course, most early internet users simply know it by the acronym AOL. Quantum Computer Services launched its first instant messaging service in 1989. After going public as AOL in 1992, the ...

  6. AOL - forbes.com


    AOL Founder Steve Case Launches Second $150 Million ‘Rise Of The Rest’ Fund To Back Entrepreneurs Across U.S. At the Forbes Under 30 Summit, AOL founder Steve Case unveiled a second $150 million...

  7. Steve Case - Wikipedia


    Stephen McConnell Case (born August 21, 1958) is an American entrepreneur, investor, and businessman best known as the former chief executive officer and chairman of America Online (AOL). Case joined AOL's predecessor company, Quantum Computer Services, as a marketing vice-president and became CEO of the company (renamed AOL) in 1991.Since his retirement as chairman of AOL Time Warner in 2003 ...

  8. The Rise and Fall of AIM, the Breakthrough AOL Never Wanted


    The seeds of AIM began within AOL and the mind of Barry Appelman. Appelman joined after his time at IBM, where he worked on some of the first standards to connect computers over the Internet...

  9. AIM (software) - Wikipedia


    AIM was an instant messaging and presence computer program created by AOL, which used the proprietary OSCAR instant messaging protocol and the TOC protocol to allow registered users to communicate in real time. AIM was popular from the late 1990s to the late 2000s in North America, and was the leading instant messaging application in that region. AIM's popularity declined steeply in the early 2010s as Internet social networks like Facebook and Twitter gained popularity, and its fall has often be