1. Baidu English, www.baidu.com result in English


    Search information in www.Baidu.com and get results in English, helps foreingers use Baidu map, Baidu Fanyi, and other Baidu functions.

  2. Baidu In English


    Using Google translate and some other techniques you can now browse and read the Chinese website Baidu. Baidu In English Baidu is the 7th largest website in the world!

  3. How to get Baidu in English language!? - Digital Point


    #3 No english version, you can only use web translate tools... #4 Baidu doesn't have sever in English speaking countries, also Baidu doesn't have English version. #5 Either use Chrome's translate tool, or go around user forums and see if you can get a translation project working.

  4. Visit the Baidu English version: Baidu.com website in English


    Steps for Baidu English version. To visit the Baidu English website follow these few easy steps: 1. Go to translate.google.com. 2. Set languages translate Chinese to English 3. Type down www.baidu.com to translate that site. Press enter to translate. 4. Follow the link of the result.

  5. Is there an English version of Baidu? - Quora


    There is no English version of Baidu. I did a search on Baidu as to why there is no English version of Baidu and some results show that it’s because the servers are used exclusively in China, but I don’t think that’s true as I remember using Baidu in Singapore.

  6. China’s Largest Search Engine Baidu Launches English Site ...


    Baidu, the search behemoth often referred to as “China’s Google,” launched its new English-language Web site for developers today. While the site is still in its infancy–right now there are just a few intros up and no documentation–it promises to grow into a valuable resource...

  7. Baidu - 百度一下,你就知道


    ©2020 Baidu (京)-经营性-2017-0020 京公网安备11000002000001号 京ICP证030173号 网页 资讯 贴吧 知道 音乐 图片 视频 地图 文库 更多» 下载百度APP

  8. Baidu Browser - Free Download


    Baidu Browser, which was originally named Baidu Spark Browser, is based on the Chromium engine, which is the same browser engine that Google uses for its Chrome browser. Chrome has earned a reputation as a very fast and stable web browser, and Baidu does nothing to upset that balance.

  9. Baidu Webmaster Tools in English - WebNots


    Baidu is a leading search engine in China with more than 75% of market share. You can submit your site to Baidu through Baidu Webmaster Tools. Other than Site and Sitemap submission Baidu offers wide range of various free features for registered users.