1. Windows, UNetbootin, ISO image on HDD, ubnldr.mbr error - Kali Linux


    2) Use UNetbootin to create a HDD install option from the .iso. 3) Restart. 4) Select UNetbootin OS option at boot menu. 5) Told \ubnldr.mbr file is missing, code 0xC000007B.. No Kali installation. I suspect it has something to do with interplay between GRUB and MBR but I can't puzzle it out.

  2. Can not install Kali at all - Kali Linux


    Don't use unetbootin. I tried for an hour or two, but then I tried using dd from the command line and it worked perfectly the first time. Basically, here's what you do: 1. Remove all your USB drives except the one you plan to install Kali on. 2. Execute this command in your terminal: sudo dd if=/path/to/kali.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=512k 3.

  3. How to Install Kali Linux without any removable media.


    First of all, my name is Precious from Nigeria.. i had Kali Linux iso image, but running it on a virtual machine sucks :P So i thought of getting it on my HDD as dual boot, well i had no CD/Flashdrive at that moment, i searched the internet with no results, i felt that it wasnt possible, but i didnt give up..

  4. Unetbootin - tool not native to kali2.0 sana - Kali Linux


    1. is this true? if so why? is there something i we need to know about unetbootin? or need to know about unetbootin and kali? Last edited by slaxd; 2015-10-21 at 14:19 . 2015-10-22 #2

  5. Problem in installing with kali linux


    I have just downloaded Kali Linux and used UNetBootin to install it to a 16GB maxell; when i tried to install kali linux on my pc i get these errors... Backtrace: 0: Xorg(xorg_backtrace+0x49) [0xb7772d] 1: Xorg (some address) 2 vdso) (_kernal_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [some address] 3: /lib/libc.so.6 4: Xorg (xf86DeleteMode+0x51)

  6. Dual booting with UEFI Windows 10 - Kali Linux


    1. Create a bootable (Kali 2017.2) USB using uNetbootin, this worked and I get the live, live persist etc. options 2. Partition my harddrive in Windows so that I have 31 GB unallocated space. 3. Select the install option from the bootable USB 4. Go through the options till the partitioning part. 5.

  7. Trouble installing Kali with Unetbootin or - Kali Linux


    I having trouble installing Kali 1.0.9 with Unetbootin. With other distros it works fine. I also tried with the program Win32 Disk Imager in the Kali but no luck there either.

  8. Kali - Live USB - Kernel Panic


    I also ran into some confusion with Unetbootin, the docs don't mention that you shouldn't use it and I assumed it was a standard installer for Kali (as it is for many other distros). I further compounded that confusion by successfully using Unetbootin to load Kali 64 onto a stick and it ran fine in Live mode.

  9. black screen, After the boot, the screen turns off - Kali Linux


    I'm facing the same problem, both, in installed and in Live version. And i did NOT use UNETBOOTIN! It seems like there is a problem with the backlight of the Laptop screen, because if i look close i can see the login screen... graphic card is an mobil intel gl40.