1. Double "11" shopping spree redoubled in scale to ... - Yunnan Bridge


    Chinese shoppers spent big on Alibaba's e-commerce platform Tmall and JD.com, with sales exceeding 372.3 billion yuan and 243.1 billion yuan respectively. The shopping festival also boosted imports from over 220 countries and regions, as China pursues a "dual circulation" development pattern.

  2. E-commerce platforms bring global brands closer to Chinese customers


    The web page reports how Tmall Global and JD Worldwide showcase and sell products of over 100 foreign brands at the China International Consumer Products Expo in Hainan. It also highlights the opportunities and trends of cross-border e-commerce in China amid the pandemic.

  3. Taobao, Tmall embrace WeChat Pay


    Taobao and Tmall said in a statement on Wednesday that they had issued notices on their platforms to solicit feedback from merchants about accepting WeChat Pay as an additional payment method, as part of a broader push to improve the shopping experience.

  4. IKEA opens flagship store on Alibaba's Tmall - China Plus


    IKEA, furniture and home accessories giant, opens its first online flagship store on Alibaba's Tmall. Is online shopping a temporary remedy or long term solution for a furniture store? / Forget lipsticks, face masks are the hottest commodity right now!

  5. Alibaba's Tmall to set up 1,000 baby care rooms across China


    Tmall.com, China's online retail platform operated by Alibaba Group, plans to build or renovate 1,000 baby care rooms in major cities in the next two years. These rooms will provide basic facilities, vending machines, and advertising screens for new moms and babies.

  6. 天猫国际正式上线 直供海外原装进口商品 - 环球网


    天猫国际 (www.tmall.hk)是阿里集团推出的面向国内消费者的海外原装进口商品平台,提供100%直邮服务和售后保障。天猫国际拥有母婴用品、食品保健、美容护肤和服饰鞋包四个主要品类,已吸引了多个国家和地区的知名品牌和网站入驻。

  7. TMALL@HOME天猫家居生活展亮相上海K11,打开家居潮流新世界



  8. China's online retailers see "Singles' Day" shopping spree


    Taobao.com, which operates Tmall.com, raked in 10 billion yuan in six hours on Nov. 11, 2013, a record-breaking sales day for China's online shopping. Singles' Day is a trendy holiday for young singles to celebrate by eating, sending gifts or going shopping.

  9. 淘宝商城更名“天猫”_ 经济新闻·关注_新京报电子报


    本报讯记者阳淼昨日阿里巴巴旗下B2C电商平台淘宝商城宣布更名为天猫域名仍保持tmall.com不变。 天猫总裁张勇表示,更名不代表天猫启动上市进程,这一平台将来亦没有独立上市的计划。 天猫定位时尚性感. 为何采用“天猫”作为新品牌名称? 阿里集团首席市场官王帅称,首先是取自tmall.com的谐音;其次“猫是性感而有品位的,天猫网购,代表的就是时尚、性感、潮流和品质;猫天生挑剔,挑剔品质,挑剔品牌,挑剔环境,这恰好就是天猫网购要全力打造的品质之城。 现场有记者向天猫总裁张勇发问称,如何理解一个购物网站“时尚性感”的定位? 是否意味着天猫网站将来要以女士内衣为主打? 张勇对此回复称,如果说要卖内衣,那目前这个季节可能也不适合卖时尚性感的内衣,可能更应该卖保暖内衣。