1. Download - GnuCash


    Download GnuCash. Download executable bundles of the GnuCash program inclusive documentation or the source files here. Several versions are available for recent and older operating systems.

  2. 自由且开源的财务软件 | GnuCash


    GnuCash 个人和小规模企业财务软件遵循GNU GPL 协议,支持 Linux、BSD、Solaris、Mac OS X 和 Microsoft Windows。 简洁强大 :可以跟踪银行、股票、收入和支出;高效,像纸质账簿一样快速、直观;专业,严格遵循会计准则,保证科目平衡、报表准确。

  3. GnuCash Review 2024: Pricing, Pros, Cons - NerdWallet


    GnuCash is a free small-business accounting software product that can be downloaded and installed directly onto your computer. It's compatible with both Windows and iOS computers.

  4. GnuCash - Wikipedia


    GnuCash is an accounting program that implements a double-entry bookkeeping system. It was initially aimed at developing capabilities similar to Intuit, Inc. 's Quicken application, [ 9 ] but also has features for small business accounting. [ 10 ]

  5. GnuCash download | SourceForge.net


    GnuCash is a free software that lets you track your bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses with a check-book like register GUI. You can also create reports, graphs, scheduled transactions, financial calculations and more.

  6. GnuCash:一个强大的开源会计软件 | Linux 中国 - 知乎


    本文介绍了 GnuCash 的功能和安装方法,它是一款适用于 Linux、BSD、macOS 和 Windows 的免费会计软件,可以追踪交易、股票等。GnuCash 适合专业需求量身定做的用户,提供了复式记账、财务计算、图表、预算等多种选项。

  7. 开始使用 GnuCash - 知乎 - 知乎专栏


    本文介绍了如何在 Linux 上安装和使用 GnuCash,一个开源的复式记账系统,可以管理个人或小型企业的财务和开票。文章还提供了 GnuCash 的功能概述、帮助资源和参与方式。

  8. Documentation - GnuCash


    The Tutorial and Concepts Guide. The GnuCash Manual is designed to be a quick reference of how to accomplish specific tasks and how to use the features in GnuCash. The Concepts Guide is designed to be an in depth guide to the concepts behind using GnuCash with a tutorial to show how to put those concepts into practice.

  9. Zh-hans/开始使用 - GnuCash


    使用GnuCash. 以下简单介绍GnuCash的一些简单用法,但GnuCash的强大功能还不止于此。 设置帐簿. 打开GnuCash后,在文件菜单选择新建文件; 前进; 选择本位币(例如CNY(人民币元))后前进; 可以作偏好设置,个人用户一般直接前进即可