1. Ethereum Denominations Explained – CoinGraph IQ


    Just like the Dollar, Ether can also be broken down into smaller denominations or fractions of the digital asset. The Dollar can be divided into cents, with denomination in penny (1 Cent), nickel (5 Cent), dime (10 Cent) and quarter (25 Cent). Ethereum also has its own denominations that are a fraction of Ether.

  2. Ether — Ethereum Homestead 0.1 documentation


    Ethereum has a metric system of denominations used as units of ether. Each denomination has its own unique name (some bear the family name of seminal figures playing a role in evolution of computer science and cryptoeconomics). The smallest denomination aka base unit of ether is called Wei. Below is a list of the named denominations and their value in Wei.

  3. Ether denominations - Building Blockchain Projects


    Ether has various denominations just like any other currency. This website uses cookies and other tracking technology to analyse traffic, personalise ads and learn how we can improve the experience for our visitors and customers.

  4. Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: What's the Difference?


    Gwei is a denomination of the cryptocurrency ether (ETH), which is used on the Ethereum network.

  5. Home | ethereum.org


    Ethereum is a global, decentralized platform for money and new kinds of applications. On Ethereum, you can write code that controls money, and build applications accessible anywhere in the world.

  6. What Is The Smallest Denomination of the Ethereum ...


    Wei: The Smallest Unit of The Ethereum Cryptocurrency The smallest unit of the Ethereum cryptocurrency is called Wei. It is such a tiny part of the Ethereum cryptocurrency system that you get one Ether (currently priced at $174.98, at the time of writing) from 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Weis, put all together.

  7. Ethereum Transactions - How do They Work?


    Ethereum transactions can be sent in denominations as low as 18 decimal places; you don’t have to send a full 1 ETH for a transaction to be valid. The ability to send small transactions is useful for Smart Contacts which require micropayments as a part of their functionality. Basics of Ethereum Transactions

  8. history - The Ether denominations are called Finney, Szabo ...


    The Ether denominations are called Finney, Szabo, and Wei. What/who are these named after?

  9. Ethereum Unit Converter - Gwei to Ether / ETH to Wei ...


    Ether (ETH), the currency of Ethereum network is divided into many denominations such as: Finney (Pwei), Szabo (Twei), Gwei, Mwei, Kwei and Wei. You can use the following tool to convert Ether to Gwei or Gwei to ETH, Wei, Kwei, Mwei, Szabo, Finney, Kether, Mether, Gether and Tether. Ethereum Unit Converter | Gwei to Ether