1. World news — RT International


    In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the ongoing trend of pouring (stimulus) money into companies losing the most; 38% of the Russell 2000 listed companies are losing money, and those facing the biggest losses are gaining the most ...

  2. Leader of ultra-right militia The Three Percenters General ...


    As the US election looms, the gun-toting III% Security Force stands ready for an anti-Democrat uprising. The group has been accused of neo-Nazism, but one of its leaders tells RT they merely protect the will of the people. “There is a coup taking place right now, there’s a collective effort to ...

  3. End of CHAZ: Seattle police arrest remaining protesters ...


    The self-declared “autonomous zone” sprung up following nationwide protests over the killing of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, who died while in police custody. Demonstrators sealed off several streets near the police’s East Precinct after law enforcement abandoned the building. Although initially praised for its festive mood, the area quickly descended into anarchy, with crime and ...

  4. ‘Racist’ elk statue targeted by mob to be removed, after ...


    A sculpture of an elk that has graced downtown Portland, Oregon, for 120 years is to be taken down by city authorities, after protesters set the statue on fire. Police have asked the public to help identify the vandals. On Wednesday night, demonstrators defaced the seemingly benign statue and lit a ...

  5. ‘Independent’ Facebook fact-checker exposed as partisan ...


    Facebook fact-checker Lead Stories is a biased outfit bristling with ex-CNN staffers that presents itself as neutral, despite most of its employees having donated to the Democratic Party, a conservative outlet has revealed.

  6. WATCH couple armed with rifle & handgun defend their ...


    A man and a woman have been filmed brandishing guns at protesters who swarmed at the edge of their property, after a group of Black Lives Matter activists crashed the gates into a rich neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri. While none of the videos show anyone actually trespassing on their property ...

  7. Supreme Court blocks funding for Soros-backed NGOs over ...


    The US Supreme Court has denied federal funding to billionaire financier George Soros’ international anti-AIDS organizations, ruling that in order to access the federal cash, the groups must explicitly oppose prostitution. The court’s five conservative-leaning justices overruled three of their ...

  8. German magazine declares Trump’s the DEVIL to be blamed ...


    Der Spiegel, never one to look too kindly on the president, nevertheless outdid itself with this week’s cover-story, depicting Trump at his desk holding a match while America burns outside his window.The title? “Der Feuerteufel,” which translates to ‘The Fire Devil’. Subtlety is not their strong suit. Trump, the center-left outlet proclaims, is “fueling hatred to distract from [his ...

  9. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel finally facing cancellation after ...


    Kimmel’s critics have pounced on newly-unearthed tapes of a 1996 Snoop Dogg parody in which he repeatedly drops the “n-word” and a 2013 podcast featuring him impersonating black comic George Wallace. In the second clip, podcast host Adam Carolla additionally refers to Kimmel deploying his “crazy black voice” to portray Wallace – indicating it was a routine the comedian performed ...