1. Garter Snakes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


    Garter snakes are small, between 23 to 30 inches in length. They have been known to reach lengths of five feet in rare cases. They are often stout-bodied with a ridge down the center of their back. One more defining characteristic of the Garter snake is its dual-colored tongue.

  2. Garter Snakes: A Gardener's Best Friend | Northern ...


    Garter Snakes: A Gardener's Best Friend They grow to be 48 inches long. Adults reach 1.5 to 2 feet in length. They have three light colored stripes on a black, dark brown, tan or greenish body.

  3. Common garter snake - Wikipedia


    The common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) is a species of natricine snake, which is indigenous to North America and found widely across the continent.

  4. Garter Snake - Description, Habitat, Image, Diet, and ...


    A Garter Snake is any number of species in the taxonomic genus Thamnophis. Researchers recognize at least 35 different species. Each species is slightly different from the next, and has its own unique distribution. These snakes live throughout much of North America.

  5. How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes - Havahart


    Like all reptiles, garter snakes are cold-blooded creatures, so they are often found in locations that offer warmth and food. These slender snakes can enter your home through fairly small cracks. Garter snakes often snack on small mammals, too, such as mice, and small amphibians, such as toads and frogs.

  6. 20+ Types Of Garter Snakes: How to Identify These Garden ...


    The garter snake is a general term used for any snake in the genus Thamnophis. However, many people mean actually mean the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) pictured above. Common garter snakes live in a wide range of habitats across North America. They were first documented in 1758 and are divided into 13 subspecies.

  7. 10 Types of Garter Snakes: Morphs & Colors (With Pictures ...


    Garter snakes, often simply called garden snakes, are a common species of wild snake found throughout North America, and they can be readily found in gardens and near bodies of water, like ponds, rivers, and wetlands. They are small, slender snakes, and there are approximately 75 different species and subspecies.

  8. 6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in Your House


    Garter snake is a limbless, scaly animal which often slide in your yard or homes! You will usually see them in your garden especially in summers and spring when the temperature is between 80 to 90-degree Fahrenheit. Even the hibernating snakes come out to bask in the sunshine, and will often surprise you with their appearance.

  9. Garter Snakes: The Gardener's Friend | The Old Farmer's ...


    About Garter Snakes There are many types of garter snakes found all across North America, from Mexico to Canada. They have a variety patterns and markings, and can be brown, tan, olive, or black with yellow, red, orange, or even blue stripes down their sides and backs. Some are all black.