1. Plant Biology | The Huck Institutes


    Plant biologists use these important organisms to address issues such as global climate change, food insecurity, loss of biodiversity, and disease. The Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Plant Biology offers students the opportunity to conduct research on plants—ranging from the cellular level to the whole-plant level. Students' program of study includes a comprehensive set of team-taught courses that reflect the breadth of scientific fields, and the linkages between them.

  2. SIPS Plant Biology Section | CALS


    Plant Biology faculty study the biology of chloroplasts and other plant cell organelles, providing insight into ways that photosynthesis and other plant processes might be improved.

  3. Introduction to Plants | Basic Biology


    Introduction to plants Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a key topic for an introduction to plant biology. It is a process that occurs in plant... Vascular vs. non-vascular. A critical step in the evolution of current plant species was the evolution of vascular... Plant body plan. Plants have a ...

  4. Environmental & Plant Biology Department | Ohio University


    Environmental & Plant Biology Students explore yesterday, today and tomorrow, from the fossil records of flora from the past to how plants react to lack of gravity in space. They study plants at a molecular and genetic level and look for solutions to environmental sustainability.

  5. Plant and Microbial Biology | NC State University


    Plants and microbes are the foundation of life. Advancing discoveries in plant research is essential to civilization, and that’s exactly what we do. Our undergraduate and graduate students participate in research projects across an array of plant and microbiology disciplines — everything from biotechnology and cell biology to ecology and systematics.